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Smallsite Design

Online setup help

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Install Smallsite Design
Smallsite Design is installed by running a special PHP program file uploaded to the root folder of the domain where it is to be installed.
Overall setup procedure
This procedure covers all the tasks required for setting up a Smallsite Design site. Each step links to a detailed procedure for that task.
Create a noreply email account
An email account tied to the domain used for Smallsite Design is needed to send notifications, while ignoring replies.
Delete a site
Sometimes the only way to delete a site is to delete all the files it uses.
Rent a domain name
A domain name is the globally unique identifier for a site, and hence is required.
Create an addon domain
If following the recommendation to use one domain for the hosting account and another for actually hosting your site, an addon domain is required.
Rent a hosting service
Web sites are run on a server connected to the internet. While we can set our own up, normally we would rent one to save us a lot of effort.
Create a forwarder
A forwarder is an alias for an email account, where all received emails can be sent on to a nominated email address or deleted.
Add account to email client
Most access their domain email accounts using an email client rather than the web interface.
Buy Smallsite Design
Smallsite design is purchased through a seller, who will provide a license number, which when entered into a PHP file uploaded to your hosting server and run, will install the site software.
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