10 Install Smallsite Design
Smallsite Design is installed by running a special PHP program file uploaded to the root folder of the domain where it is to be installed.
Do not install Smallsite Design with any other software for the same domain or subdomain, as they will likely interfere with each other, depending upon which was installed last. Which software uses the domain itself would be dependent upon which is the priority. For example, if Smallsite Design is being used for online help for what the domain is for, even if that is using Smallsite Design as well, it is better installed into a subdomain like help.
- a.
Installation language – language to be used for the duration of the installation. 30 languages are available. The product itself has 120 user interface languages - b.
License number – as supplied by the reseller. This is quite long, so cut-and-paste it from the email from the seller - c.
Master manager email – full email address to which a temporary password is sent during installation. Also used for operational notifications, but can be modified at any time. It can be a forwarder's alias address so that it can be changed easily if ever compromised - d.
Master locale – the language-script-region combination expected to be that used by the site's primary target audience. Cannot be changed after installation, except for the region. Selected from a list of over 500 provided by PHP.
If the
≣ Indicates the step has learning notes. Click its checkbox to show them.
The role to perform this procedure is: Site owner.
by using your browser to visit https://domain/filename,
- a.domain is the domain or subdomain into which the installation file has been uploaded and where the site is to be installed, like help.pinhole-optics.com.
- b.filename is the full name of the installation file downloaded from step 3 of the Buy Smallsite Design procedure, like:
by clicking the
The installation returns to the state at the end of step 1.
by clicking on the button for it.
by clicking the
by performing:
as shown in the invoice emailed to you from the seller.
by typing in the email address to which the Smallsite Design site will send you notifications.
by clicking on the
by clicking the
by clicking the
by clicking the
The domain is not associated with the license.can be because:
For the first two, check that the license number matches that cited in the email from the seller. If the license is correct, but someone else might have seen it, they may have associated their own domain with it. At any rate, that license number is compromised and another should be obtained, and kept secret. If neither of these, the license server may have been temporarily unavailable, so wait a few minutes to try again by clicking the
by clicking the link.
using the provided credentials.