5 Create links
The master manager can create navigation bar and site links, card, catalog and gallery links, and related articles and sites for subsites and articles.
While all these types of links are displayed in differing ways, they are all defined in exactly the same way on the Links page. The drilling down for internal links at step 2 is also applicable for supplying links for the link element during article editing. For such links, the text is supplied when rendered, though alternate text can be specified in its element block, and the drill-down includes being able to select fragments within articles as well.
For links to other Smallsite Design sites, a /-/ at the end of the URL's path will be replaced with the locale, and the current accessibility setting added, allowing language and accessibility continuity for visitors. Must be before any query or fragment. This also works for inline links.
The role to perform this procedure is: Master manager.
by clicking one of the jumps in the
by clicking the
by expanding any checkboxes required, and then clicking on the target article or category.
by typing into the
by performing:
Click on a
by clicking the ▲ (up) or ▼ (down) button for the link.
The link is moved to its new position with the clicked button highlighted.
by repeating this step.
by, for each link, clicking the
The row is removed for each link processed.
by clicking the owning entity's ID jump at the start of navigation bar.