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4Create a redirect


While many redirects will be created automatically when categories or articles are renamed, the master manager can create redirects for them or even the whole site.

This procedure can be used to modify an existing redirect by ignoring step 2 and editing the From or To fields instead of step 3.

Normally, redirects can be left as temporary until the redirect is acting properly. The wildcard Replace and Source types need to be checked for all possible paths matching the From path. When a redirect is permanent, visitors' browsers, and intermediate DNS servers, will keep the from and to paths in their own redirect table, and use those instead when the old URL is entered or presented for future requests, eventually making the redirect on the site obsolete. However, it is a call as to how long to leave the redirect active on the site before deleting it, as that depends upon the number of visitors and the duration between visits. Redirects are deleted four weeks after expiry, allowing enough time to extend them if overlooked.


The role to perform this procedure is: Master manager.

To create a redirect:1Open the Redirects page

by clicking on the Redirects button in the Other section of the Work list page.

The page is displayed, with sections for each type, with any existing redirects before the row:
Sample Explicit section of a Redirects page
2Show the redirect fields

by clicking on the in the first cell of the last row of the type of redirect to be created.

The next cell is expanded to show the fields:
Add redirect fields
3Create the redirectby:
  1. a.Typing paths into whichever of the From or To fields are shown.
  2. b.Clicking the Save button.
The response is:
  1. a.The redirect is created.
  2. b.The page is redisplayed with the new redirect above the row, like that shown in the response to step 1, but Disabled.
4Optionally, make permanent

by clicking the Permanent (301) option in the Type row.

Do this only after ensuring that the redirect works as intended.

5Extend the expiry date

by clicking on the required extension button in the Expiry row.

6Enable the redirect

by clicking the Disabled ☐ button in the Status row.

The redirect is live and the Status changes to an Enabled ☑ button.

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