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Smallsite Design

Online management help

2Create a category


The master manager can create a category to hold several related articles.


The role to perform this procedure is: Master manager.

To create a new subsite:1Open the Category page for a new categoryby one of:
  1. a.Clicking the New button before the Categories checkbox for the intended parent subsite in the Access section of the Work list page.
  2. b.Clicking the Category button on the introduction line of the Details section of the Subsite page for the intended parent subsite.
  3. c.Clicking the Category button on the introduction line of the Details section of the Category page of a category in the intended parent subsite.
The page is displayed:
Sample Category page for a new category
2Create the new categoryby:
  1. 1.Typing a unique Heading.
  2. 2.Typing a suitable Introduction.
  3. 3.Clicking the Save button.
The response is:
  1. a.The new category is created.
  2. b.The standard Category page for the new category is displayed.
  3. c.The new category is Hidden.
3Make changes for individualisationIn particular, consider:
  1. a.Making a shorter version of the Heading for Navigation for use in cards.
  2. b.Selecting a card Image for use in cards for the home or navigation pages.
4Add contentIn particular, consider:
  1. a.What articles to move from other categories.
  2. b.What new articles to add.
5Make visible

by clicking on the Listed option in Show.

The category is publicly accessible and listed in all the pages allowed.

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