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Smallsite Design

Online management help

1Work list


The work list is the main page used for managing the domain and its sites. It is the first page seen after login.

Note that when the master manager first logs in after at least 12 hours, several cleanup tasks are automatically undertaken, which may result in only the first part of the page being displayed immediately, with the rest appearing after a couple of seconds due to the extent of processing involved.

Pressing Alt | option+Shift+/ opens the last non-Work list management page accessed. If for an Article body page, the element block for the last edit will be opened. This will allow quickly resuming an edit session after it timed out.

In progress

Any articles currently being edited will be displayed in this section.

The columns for in progress list are:
1DateDate the article was created, or started being updated
2ArticleArticle identifier as a jump to its Article head page
3PhaseCurrent phase of the editing lifecycle as a jump to the Phases checkbox for the master locale on the article's History page, for the phase's locale if assigned
4LocaleLocale currently being edited, else blank
5UserIdentifier of the user performing the current phase, else Manager
6DueTime until due, as a jump to the article's Article body page to show the latest version, for the phase's locale if assigned. The format is as described in Durations. If overdue, it will be shown like [3w]. If currently with the Manager, the field will be blank

The Phase column actually names the last phase that is not a Note or Query. If the last phase is a Note, is added after the last phase shown. If the last Phase is a Query, ? is added. These additions indicate something that may need attention before other actions.

When a version is released, all phase information involved in getting there is deleted. Managers see a list of all in-progress articles, while an assignee is only shown the articles that have been assigned to them. Any source articles that they are allowed access to are listed at the bottom of the Article body pages for those articles allowing them.


This section covers the jumps to the pages for all the content of a Smallsite Design site.

The possible jumps to those items the current user has access to are:
1SubsitesExpanding list of jumps to the pages for the clicked element. The complete list is only available for managers and guests, while writers only have jumps to what they are allowed to edit or source content from
2FilesExpanding list of jumps to the lists of all files for the clicked purpose. Only available for managers or guests
3LocalesWhen expanded, list of locales indented according to their place in the fall-through hierarchy. Only available for managers or guests
4BannersJumps to the Banners page to change the banner configuration for each subsite
5RightsJumps to the Rights page to change the copywrite provisions relating to each subsite
6StatisticsJumps to the Statistics page to show what pages have been read
Jumps to the Check links page to show links with possible issues. Might take several seconds to load as it checks all links. Automatically done at the first master manager login for the day
8ImportJumps to the Import page to import elements from another content archive, or overwrite the site with it
9Search ⟳Rebuild the search database, for when a lot of edits have been done. Automatically done at the first master manager login for the day. Does not change page. Not shown if all the fields of the Search section of the Settings page are filled in and Status is Enabled so that an external provider is used

If the master manager was at any page other than the main subsite's home page, after they log in, this section will be expanded to show that page's ID button as the target. Pressing the Enter | return key or clicking that button will open the page's Article head/Category page.

The subsections provide descriptions of all the information available to help make choices about what to drill down to to jump to more details for particular elements. If wanting to know the total numbers of each type of content element in the site, in the Import page, click the checkbox in the Files column in the Current row.


The Subsites item provides an expanding list of all the content elements of the site.

The information and buttons for the Subsites hierarchy are:
Sample Subsites expanded hierarchyabcde
Find: Jump to the Find page for alphabetical article and category lists.
New: Jump to New view of the Subsite page to Create a subsite.
Links: Toggle to show links to each subsite in the Subsite navigation bar
Jump to the Subsite page for the subsite.
Status: Visibility as a link to Subsites. Always for the main subsite.
: Move the subsite up. Only shown for those after the first two.
New: Jump to the New view of the Category page to Create a category.
Categories: Number of categories in subsite as a checkbox to show a list of them
Jump to the Category page for the category.
Status: Visibility as a link to its subsite. Always for the default category.
New: Jump to the New view of the Article head page to Create an article.
Articles: Number of articles in category as a checkbox to show a list of them
Jump to the Article head page for the subsite.
Status: Visibility as a link to its category. Always for the home page for the subsite
: Link to Subsites.
Hidden: Link to Subsites.
New: Jump to the New view of the Article head page to Create an article.
Articles: Number of template articles as a checkbox to show a list of them

Subsites are shown in the order they were created, unless the on a subsites line is clicked to move it up. The new order is shown everywhere subsites are listed. Only the third and after subsites can be moved up.


The Files item provides summary information about the various purposes (file types) to inform selection of which to open.

The information and buttons for the Files purpose list are:
Sample expanded Files purposes listabcd
aFilesAdd: Jump to the Details upload only view of the Files page.
Files: Total number of files.
Purposes: Number of purposes as a checkbox to expand the purpose list
bPurposePurpose name as a jump to the List view of the Files page for that purpose
cTotalNumber of files for the purpose
dUnusedNumber of files not used. Excludes those currently only used in articles being edited, but not in releases


The Locales item opens to a list of locales and their key settings, indented by their place in the fall-through hierarchy.

The information and buttons for the Locales hierarchy are:
Sample expanded Locales hierarchy listabcdef
aSummaryNumber of locales as a checkbox to expand list
bJumpsJumps to the Locale page for the locale
cMasterMaster locale at root of fall-through hierarchy, indicated by the *
dNo NextLocales with blank Next fall-through to master locale.
Indicated by an indent from the master
eHas NextLocale has fall-through to en-us.
Indicated by an indent from its Next locale
fUser languageUser interface language

A box around the locale, like ar-001, indicates the current viewing locale. A strike through the locale, like ru-ua, indicates Disabled.

The fall-through hierarchy is defined by selecting a Next locale for a locale as its fall-through in the Locale page. Any locale without a Next falls-through to the master locale. The hierarchy helps make logical locale fall-through paths. For example, where a language has multiple scripts, having the less popular ones fall-through to the most popular allows articles that have not been translated into the less popular scripts to show the most popular script version rather than the master locale which might be a different language.


This section covers jumps to the administrative pages of Smallsite Design, along with a password change facility.

The options available under this section are:
1UsersJump to the Users page
2RedirectsJump to the Redirects page. Not shown for writers
3VersionsJump to the Versions page. Not shown for writers
4SettingsJump to the Settings page. Not shown for writers
5SiteJump to the Site page. Not shown for writers
6Log outImmediately log out, but without the normal 30 minute timeout. Only shown for managers and writers
7PasswordExpand to change password. Not shown for guests
The password change fields are:
1PromptWord or phrase to remind the user of their password
2PasswordLong password. When the initial vetting pass is successful, including against the public leaked password list if required, four more password fields will be displayed for the user to repeat the password in all so the typing rhythm is familiar

Redirects will show two numbers like 3 2 after it if there are any redirects, being the numbers of active redirects and disabled|expired ones, respectively. Check the enabled redirects if some pages are redirecting when they should not. Any others may be safely deleted. Any expired redirects are automatically deleted after four weeks.

Versions will show New after it if there are newer versions available.

Log out is normally used to allow another master manager to take over immediately. However, if managers or writers no longer need to continue a session, it is good practice to log out with an immediate timeout so that no one else could possibly use the same session.

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