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3  Search page


The search page will list the results of a search submitted from the bottom of any page on the site. Further searches can be done from this page.

This page will never be seen if the site is set to use an external search provider.

Requiring at least one character, a search does a case-independent search of all articles to find which contain all the words in the search. Avoid using common words like to or and which would skew results away from the words actually wanted. Alternatively, click the Exact checkbox to search only for the exact phrase. Here, words like to or and must be included if in the wanted phrase.

The results are listed by articles with the most word occurrences first, and includes for each:
  1. a.Headline as a link to the article.
  2. b.Number of word occurrences, as a link to the search field.
  3. c.Article introduction.

The search is not fuzzy in that only the exact words are searched for. If more than one subsite, the article's owning subsite's name will precede the count. If the site uses multiple locales, the locale for the text containing the words will precede the count, and may result in an entry for each locale for an article in which all of the words were found in the texts of multiple locales. Some articles, like procedures and tests, may have text that is hidden when first displayed, such as notes for procedures, or comments on results for tests, and so will need some interaction to expose them.

The search recognises any word breaks in the search term, regardless of language, so pictogram characters are treated as one word each, unless Exact is checked.

If there are more than four articles listed, a navigation bar is displayed, with links to every fifth article.

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