2 Find
This page lists all articles and categories alphabetically, and allows finding which articles have specific content.
The Work list page enables drilling down to articles by the subsites and categories that own them. While that works if the ownership tree is remembered, this page lists all articles and categories alphabetically to allow finding them by just their ID. There is also a list of the most recently edited, and a way to list all articles that contain particular text or elements, but it requires a knowledge of the internal structure of articles. While some examples will be presented, it is nowhere near exhaustive, and will probably never be.
The five most recently edited articles.
This list keeps track of the five last articles to be released, but excluding those currently being edited, which are already listed in the In progress section of the
All articles are listed alphabetically by ID.
This is a simple list, but while the navigation bar for it provides the usual periodic links into the list, it also provides a link to the first of each type of article by the first letter of their IDs, along with how many there are, in the form of a: 25. Each row provides a jump to the Article head page for the article, along with its
All categories are listed alphabetically by ID.
This is a simple list, where, if more than four categories, its navigation bar provides the periodic links into it. Each row has a jump to the Category page for the category, along with its
List all articles containing specified text or elements.
- a.This offers finding elements by their place in the semantic structure of article bodies.
- b.Both search for text in listed article bodies, as well as their headlines, bylines, navigation text and introductions.
- c.This includes non-listed articles and the latest edit versions.
- d.Search includes listed category headings and descriptions.
- e.Search filters out embedded
character s, whereas this allows finding them.
The body content of each article across all locales is stored in a single XML file, the hierarchical structure of which matches the semantic hierarchy of the article. The standard method to search within XML is XPath, which is specially formatted plain text that enables specifying the hierarchical relationships of its elements.
While the
Both options allow including embeddedlr^
, will show all articles where that character has been used to correct directional rendering mismatches.
The section includes a text area into which the text or XPath expression is typed, and clicking the
# | Heading | Description |
a | Article | Jump to the article's Article head page |
b | Head | Number of article headlines, bylines, navigation text and introductions with matching text. If for glossary or polices pages, a – |
c | Release | Number of matching elements found in the latest release. If no release version, a – |
d | Edit | Number of matching elements found in the latest WIP or draft. If no such version, a – |
e | Done | Shows a ✔ if the latest release is newer than when the find was executed |
Typically, this facility will be to find articles that may need updating, but to help with keeping track of those, the
List of the element names and their XML tag name to search by.
While element blocks and hover buttons show the full names of elements, many of their XML representation names are shorter. Most inline element XML names (as shown in Inline insert) and many block element names are just the name of their HTML rendering elements, so at least when actual HTML is seen, they will be familiar.
While some HTML elements may have the same name in different levels in the rendered document's hierarchy, such as a section
which can be a child of the article, or as a subsection in a section, to simplify the rules controlling what elements can be contained in each, they are given different XML names. For example, the XPath representation of the example given in the first paragraph of this section, relative to the art element at the root, is scn/ssn/table/tr/tc
, where scn
is a section, ssn
is a subsection, tr
is a row, and tc
is a cell.
If that expression is used, it would indicate how many cells occur in subsections in each article. As there are a limited number of valid combinations of those elements, there are ways of shortening that statement, such as//ssn//tc
. The //
indicates any descendant, but a subsection can only appear in a section, and a cell can only appear in a table row, making this statement much shorter while still being just as specific. The Append cell of an element's element block indicates what it can validly contain.
Of course, getting to particular cells or any other elements in the path would require some extra information, and that is where it starts getting complicated, requiring some knowledge of the element's attributes and options, or where it stores its text. XPath is very powerful and generally concise, and while an alternative way of doing the same thing could be done using picklists and the like, it would very quickly become unwieldy, and still be very limited, though XPath expressions themselves can also get that way. The trick is in finding the most concise unique expression.
t text br break * del deleted * bdo direction * em emphasis * ins inserted * key key * mark mark * ref reference * sel selection * s strike * strong strong * sub subscript * sup superscript *
cy commentary kbd keyboard * var variable *
code code * ~ q quote * ~ qs subquote ~ samp sample * ~
cite citation * file file icon icon a link * mic media icon tel telephone time time * val value
hr horizontal line p paragraph ~ verse verse ! btn/bc button/comment ~ aside/# aside */blocks
list list o introduction ~ li item ~
fig figure o introduction ~ fq quote ! lb label
diag diagram o introduction ~ db box ! dt text ! dm marker dl line da anchor do overlay db box ! dt text ! dm marker dl line da anchor ds suboverlay db box ! dt text ! dm marker dl line da anchor
table table o introduction ~ th header ta heading ! tr row tl label ! tc cell ~ tf footer tl label !
seq sequence o introduction ~ spt part scp caption ! sim image spr pointer sau audio sgp group scp caption ! sim image spr pointer sau audio str track sop output
# blocks gl glossary o introduction ~ ge entry ! ~ scn section # gl glossary o introduction ~ ge entry ! ssn subsection # gl glossary o introduction ~ ge entry ! ~
# blocks proc procedure pr role ! o introduction ~ stepa step link sa action # sn notes # sr response # sn notes # step step so objective ~ sa action # sn notes # sr response # sn notes # steps substeps so objective ~ ssa substep link sa action # sn notes # sr response # sn notes # sst substep so objective ~ sa action # sn notes # sr response # sn notes #
# blocks qns questions qn question inf information # qt statement ~ qo option ! qi incorrect ~ cms comments cm comment ~
# blocks gls glossary ge entry ! ~
# blocks psf recommended section pi item ! p paragraph ~ psn optional section pi item ! p paragraph ~
Attributes and options△
Some clues to how to derive the likely names for element attributes and their option values.
Specifying attributes and option values can be a way of narrowing down which elements in the
Many elements have attributes that specify either structure or appearance options, in addition to some of their text. While the attributes section of the element block shows their full names, their presentation in the XML is very terse, often only by single letter. These are usually the initial letter of the English name, but to avoid expanding names to avoid duplicates, another letter of a strong part of the name is used, such as the last letter or consonant.
For example, for colouring the text for some inline elements, the blue option is b, but the brown option is n. As colour can be applied to several inline elements, to avoid precluding the use of meaningful letters for any other options that those elements may need, x is used for the colour attribute name. For some attributes, the default option means there is no actual attribute, but that can also be tested for in XPath.
Attributes are denoted by a preceding @ in expressions, such as @n. Test for no attribute by not(@n).
Basic XPath find examples△
These are some basic Xpath expressions that may be useful.
Be aware that PHP is limited to XPath 1.0 syntax and functions, so do not use what is only available in later versions.
Elements //table
self::art[//p and //fig]
self::art[//p and //fig]//*[contains('fig|p',name())]
where the first two are equivalent in finding all tables, the third indicates whether the root element has both paragraphs and figures, and so will show1
if they do, whereas the last will show the numbers of those elements. Note that if wanting to be unambiguous about the list of elements that may have name parts in common, but allows for easy expansion of the list, the ending qualifier for the last expression would have to be like://*[contains('|a|table|',concat('|',name(),'|')]
.Disabled elements - //*[@s]
which list all articles with disabled elements, only those manually disabled, and only those with errors, respectively. The last will include every element that has children with errors, as that helps to troubleshoot errors, but will not list released articles, which must have no errors. Minimum number of an element △self::art[count(//p)>5]//p
which will list articles with more than five paragraphs.Has sections without numbering self::art[not(@n) and scn]
where thenot(@n)
indicates that the article does not use numbering. Thescn
is included to make sure that only general articles are found, and actually have some sections, otherwise whether they use numbering is irrelevant. Note that if wanting to find articles with numbering but no sections, use:self::art[@n and not(scn)]
.Has figures with prefixes //fig[@p=//*[contains('list|table',name())]/@p]
which finds all figures that have prefixes that match a list or table somewhere in the article. The second//
makes sure that the search for matches start from the article root again, as the matching list or table can be anywhere in it. For example, a figure may be in an aside, but its matching table is next to the aside so they appear side by side, as in Procedure article.