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Smallsite Design

Help for building a site, not just pages

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Subsites are a collection of categories and articles with a home page and their own navigation.

MainCategories: 0   Articles: 0   △
This is the documentation and online help site for Smallsite Design.
VisitingCategories: 4   Articles: 16   △
This is the online help for using sites powered by Smallsite Design.
ManagementCategories: 9   Articles: 60   △
This is the online help for managing Smallsite Design sites.
EditingCategories: 3   Articles: 18   △
This is the online help for editing Smallsite Design articles.
SetupCategories: 2   Articles: 14   △
This is the online help for how to prepare for and install Smallsite Design.
  • β€’Site map

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    External sites: Open in a new tab or window, and might store cookies or other files on your device. Visit them at your own risk.
    Powered by: Smallsite Design ©Patanjali Sokaris
