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Element block


The element block that appears for a selected element or its ancestors provides information about the element and gives access to operations centred upon it.

Web pages are text files that have a structure defined by specially-formatted text (HTML) that tells the browser what type of element to show the text within them as. Most HTML editors have a mode that shows all the text of the page, but also a mode that allows the elements to be manipulated separately. However, the whole page structure is exposed for editing at each session, meaning that one wrong character can break the page, and it may not always be easy to identify where the error occurred.

Smallsite Design is different in that once an element has been created, it is never converted back to markup for editing as part of its parent element or the page. This ensures the stability of the page structure while elements in it can have errors. Conversely, a parent element can be edited, possibly resulting in errors, without breaking descendant elements. The objective of this system is stability of the page structure, much like the objective for the site is stability of its structure.

To ensure consistency of dealing with each element, no matter what its level in the page hierarchy, while also catering for its differences, the element block is provided. For the current element, it provides a rich amount of information and actions that can be performed. If a descendent is current, it becomes more rudimentary, providing limited status information and some basic actions. No element blocks are shown for those element not current or in the path to it, making those elements appear basically as they would on the released page.


The element block displays a lot of information about its element.

The areas of an element block for a current element are:
Sample element block for paragraph with disabled footnoteabcdefghijkl
aElement typeType of element. If automatically disabled, it will be red with a red strike through it, like Cell, whereas when manually, only the line is red. Preceded by its position in its parent, and followed by its Element's child status. Some elements will have Additional information
bAttributesCurrent values of element attributes along with ability to select new values after clicking the 👇 checkbox. Only shown if current
cActionsActions available for the element, depending upon the type of element. Only shown if current
dMulti-deleteDelete multiple checked child elements. Only shown if JavaScript is enabled (browser default) and the element is current
eAppendJumps to the possible child elements to append. Only shown if current
fNavigation barChild navigation bar for links to every fifth child or those that are disabled, with an indication of whether there is an error in them
gChild elementsList of child elements along with their Action bars. Only shown if current
hAction barDocked Action bar
iInsertJumps to the possible sibling elements to insert after the current one. Only shown if current
jAction barFloating Action bar. Only shown for child elements of the current element
kBordersBorder that changes colour and thickness depending whether the element has errors or is current. See Borders
lElementElement itself, with dotted red border to indicate that it is current. Tables or their cells will have thicker, solid red borders
In general, an element block:
  1. a.Will be standalone before the element for most block elements.
  2. b.For inline, introduction, footnote, or sequence and table descendants, will be embedded in their parent block.
  3. c.If embedded and current, it will be the only one shown within its parent.
  4. d.For a rich-text element, will only list its inline or footnote children.

Embedding can sometimes be a couple deep, so ensure you are working on the element you intend. For example, after working on a text element inside a paragraph, you might suddenly decide that the paragraph might be better split into two, so want to Clone it, but instead end up cloning the text element, after forgetting to select the paragraph first.

Additional information

Some elements have additional information after the child status.

The elements that have additional information are:
aRich-text#: 225Total number of characters, excluding footnotes
bFigure, table, listPrefix: f01Prefix for Linking to figures
cquestion optionThe option that has the correct answer
dquestionThe question has an Information block for it
eblock quote, citation
quote, subquote
de-de ltrLocale and direction, if specified


If JavaScript is enabled, multiple child blocks of a block element can be deleted in one operation.

Clicking the Multiple checkbox of an element forces the Children checkbox at the top of the page to be checked, forcing all the hover buttons of the element's block children to be visible. Usually, the hover button checkboxes, along with those in the already visible floating actions bars for inline children, will be checked after the first click. From then on, clicking the Multiple checkbox toggles the checkboxes of all the hover buttons and inline action bars.

The Delete button next to the Multiple checkbox will be disabled, greyed and struck-through if the checked child checkboxes are not a valid delete combination, usually because there are minimum child numbers to maintain. Either uncheck all children, then check the ones to delete, or check all, and uncheck those to keep. If after deletion, the result is not what was wanted, click the Undo button in the Navigation bar and the Confirm button then exposed to undo the delete.

If wanting to delete a child of the current element, hover over the start of the child element to delete, check its checkbox in its hover button, then click the Delete button in the Multiple box. This will be faster than selecting the element, then clicking the Delete button in its Action cell.

Action bar

The end of the top line of the element block contains some action and status symbols, though some items might be shown on a floating bar for some child elements of the current element.

The possible symbols on an action bar and their actions are:
#SymbolAction taken
1Jump to sole inline. Only for a rich text element with only one inline child
2Insert another new element of the same type after current one. Only shown for the master locale, and if allowed and more elements can be added
3Clone the content of the previous locale in the hierarchy. Only shown for non-master locales for rich-text elements with no inline children in the locale
4Manually toggle element visibility. Only for block elements, though not all. Only shown for the master locale
5Jump to the parent element to make it current
6Link to online help documentation describing the element
The possible status symbols on an action bar, what they indicate, and which force the element to be disabled, are:
1$Itself or descendants have an incorrect number of charactersYes
2?Itself or descendants are missing master locale textYes
3&Itself or descendants are missing a required file, or point to a disabled fileYes
4#Itself or descendants have incorrect numbers of child blocksYes
5@Element-specific errors, such as missing URL for a ButtonYes
6!Some descendants are manually disabledNo
7ʘItself or descendants have review textNo
The errors particular to specific elements (@) are:
1linkMissing the target page
2emailMissing the target email address, subject or body
3Row, FooterNo non-empty, non-heading cells
4ButtonMissing URL or Values
5QuestionNo correct option
6Entry, Section / subsectionPrevious element at the same level has the same id
Note that:
  1. a.Symbols for the current element will be larger.
  2. b.Symbols will only be red for errors in the current element.
  3. c.The ʘ is only larger for the current element and locale.
  4. d.While the ! does not indicate an error in itself, it may force their parent to be disabled if it has insufficient children, showing up as a #
  5. e.Only block elements can be disabled, either manually in the master locale, or automatically for any error in any locale.
  6. f.Review comments will be automatically deleted during release processing.

Note that a single error can lead to several symbols appearing due to the upward cascading of errors, which enables visibility at the topmost element. See Visibility status for which errors force elements to be disabled, and Troubleshoot errors for how to correct them.

Review comments are automatically stripped when making the release, as they are supposed to have all been actioned, are not required in a release, and if left would be included in every WIP leading to the next release. However, if wanting to keep the review comments, perhaps because they make some suggestions that cannot be implemented in the current release cycle, submit some text without changes to create a duplicate WIP. On the History page, make the second latest WIP a draft as the one to hold the reviews, then make the latest WIP a draft as part of doing the release.


Some elements have attribute values that can be selected from a set of options.

Attributes area for a table element, expanded for editing:
Attributes area of table element, expanded for editing

While most attributes only require a single click on an option, some, like for the Heading attribute for the table above, may delete some content, so require a confirmation after clicking on the required option's radio button.

Some complex elements with structures defined by attributes, like tables or lists, can have that attribute value combination saved as a default. With such elements, if there is an As default button in the attributes area, clicking it will save the current combination for use when adding a new element of that type. If an element is using the default, Default will be shown instead of the button. Once an element is created, defaults cannot be re-applied in one go, but only by setting individual attributes. The setting is per user and applies for any article after being set.


Some elements have a Direction attribute to ensure their rendering direction.

The options for the Direction attributes for the diagram, program, direction, code, sample and value elements are:
aPageThe element uses the direction the page uses, which is defined by the script used. Not available for the direction element
bMasterThe element uses the direction the master locale uses, which is defined by the script used
cLeft to rightThe element renders its text or elements in the left-to-right direction
dRight to leftThe element renders its text or elements in the right-to-left direction

The Master option is useful when cloning Rich-text content in a multi-locale site because if all locales will follow the direction of the master, the Inline elements in non-master locales with reading direction opposite to that of the master will not have to have their Direction attribute changed. This option is useful for the block elements that must have the same rendering positions for its child elements in all locales, such as a diagram element using a map as a background image.

While the text in most of these elements will render in the direction chosen, but conditioned by the browser according to the directional characteristics of the text used, the direction element forces its text's direction on a strict character-by-character basis. The lines for the program element will often be in English (left-to-right), but some programing languages may allow Unicode names for elements, which may require using the direction element to keep them tamed.

The media icon and marker elements also have a Direction attribute, but it is used to define which way their symbols point. The setting of the diagram element's Direction attribute will affect which way round its arrow elements' horizontal symbols face.


Several actions can be performed on an element.

Depending upon the element, the possible actions available when Actions is clicked on are, in order of appearance:
1To ☐Checking the box exposes a jump list table of all the possible parent elements that the current element can be moved to be the last child of. See To for details. Only for block elements, and not shown if no target parents or no spare group siblings
2DeleteDelete the element. Only shown if deletable and there are spare group siblings
3CloneAdd a clone of the current element after it. Only shown if cloneable, if there is a in their edit bar, and more group siblings are allowed
4Link back to element name. Placed after each line for quick keyboard-based navigation
5CorrectMark a question's option as correct. Removed from any other options for the question
6MergeMerge the contents of the next sibling with this element. Only shown for an inline element, and where the sibling element is the same type and has the same attribute values
710▲Move up 10, continuing from the bottom if the top is reached. Only shown if movable and more than 10 group siblings
83▲Move up 3, continuing from the bottom if the top is reached. Only shown if movable and more than 3 group siblings
91▲Move up 1, or to the bottom if already at the top. Only shown if movable and more than 1 group sibling
101▼Move down 1, or to the top if already at the bottom. Only shown if movable and more than 1 group sibling
113▼Move down 3, continuing from the top if the bottom is reached. Only shown if movable and more than 3 group siblings
1210▼Move down 10, continuing from the top if the bottom is reached. Only shown if movable and more than 10 group siblings
131|0Spike number | number of items. Add a copy of the element to the spike with the first number. Only shown if allowed to be spiked and there is spare space on the spike
14UnwrapPlace copies of all spikeable child elements on spike 3. Only shown if spike 3 is empty

Clone inserts a full copy of an element after itself. This is useful for clone-and-edit operations to split an element's content. Instead of recreating what is wanted in a new element, especially tedious if it is complex, the original element is cloned, and then each version is edited to eliminate what is redundant for each, while adding extra content as required. Care must be taken to ensure that cloned content is fully edited to eliminate duplicate content and comply with the new context for each.

Unwrap places a copy of all spikeable children of the current element on spike 3, even if it exceeds the normal limit of nine. This is useful for transferring complex content between elements in the same version, but also from older versions or a source article. All that is on the spike does not need to be used, so if the transfer involves lots of elements, deleting those not required from spike 3 first may make it easier to keep track of placing which elements go to the new location.

If some action is not available, it will be because it is not allowed in the current context. For example, Delete is not available for the only paragraph in a block quote because using it would break the minimum child number for the block quote. The To jump list is also not available for the same reason.

Some actions, like Clone do not apply to all elements, either because two cannot be in the same parent, such as introductions, or having two in a row is not usually done, such as with highlights, though they can be put on a spike to achieve the same outcome. It is a design choice to not have buttons for actions that are not likely to be done to reduce unnecessary clutter, which especially makes a difference for those who need to navigate by keyboard.

It is for keyboard users that the up links (△) are provided every few buttons in the Actions, Append and Insert cells, because they bypass having to back tab through all the options to get to the cell label, even though they require extra forward tabbing.

Append / insert

Selecting an element exposes lists of the elements that can be appended to it and those that can be inserted after it.

Clicking the Append link exposes the list of elements that can be added to the current element, but what can be added is organised into groups of mutually exclusive elements. Appended elements are placed at the end of elements in their group to ensure that all elements are in the correct presentation order.

For example, sections must be the last elements of a general article element, otherwise it would be visually difficult to know if the last paragraph in an article belongs to the last section or the article element, especially given that sections have very significant styling to visually separate them from the body text of an article. Typically, returning to the main thread of an article after the formal indulgence that sections allow requires an equally formal addition of another section, with a heading like Conclusions, Recommendations or Implications to ensure that the return to the wider scope of the article is not missed.

Clicking the Insert link exposes the list of elements that can be inserted after the current one, but the available elements are only from the same group. Therefore, to insert another section before the first, because the element from another group before it cannot be used, the new section must be inserted after the first section and then moved up. Alternately, it could be appended to the end of the group and moved down, which automatically makes it go to the top of the group.

The button in an element's action bar provides a one-click method of inserting a new element of the same type without selecting the element first. Like Append and Insert, doing so makes the new element current. If wanting a full copy of the current element instead, use the Clone button in the Actions cell. It is not available if no more elements can be added.

If the upper limit for the number of elements in a group for an element has already been reached, no elements for that group will be listed under the Append list, and there will be no Insert list at all. If the upper limit of all groups for the element has been reached, then no Append list will be shown either.

Some group limits are very strict for practical reasons, like the group for an introduction only allows one, and almost always has a minimum of one as well. Other groups have a very generous upper limit which no one is likely to want to approach. Most have limits that are aimed at avoiding unwieldy structures that readers are likely to avoid, but that approaching those limits might be justified at times. Lower limits are usually to avoid inappropriate structures that are overkill, such as a list with only one item.

Child navigation bar

If there are more than five children for an element, a navigation bar is displayed for them.

The child navigation bar contains links to every fifth child or those that are disabled:
Sample article element block with navigation bar, showing two disabled children, one with errors

Positions for disabled children without errors are displayed like 3. If the child has errors, its position will be displayed with a double red underline instead. The basic navigation bar allows getting to or near a required child, but including links to the disabled children makes it easier to Troubleshoot errors.

If there are 15 or more children and no errors, the checkbox will be unchecked. This is to reduce the number of keys to be pressed for those using a keyboard when navigating through the current element.

Editing text

All text editing for an element in the body of an article is done in a element block.

Areas of relevance to editing text in the element block are:
Sample text editing for a paragraphabcde
aTextText being edited
bElementsLink to the Available elements list
cExtenderCorner to drag down to increase the height of the editing area
dStartStart indicator of the text being edited
eEndEnd indicator of the text being edited

The Currently number is updated after the text is submitted. For text that is not the plain Latin text known as ASCII, the number of characters displayed after saving may be less than that entered. This is because many character symbols will be entered as a combination of Unicode codes but are normalised to their single Unicode code form at the server. This is why text fields that allow all Unicode characters will allow more characters to be entered than the limits shown, but the limits are applied by the server after normalisation. See Unicode blocks for what characters are available.

Paragraphs for entry purposes are separated by the Enter | return key. If JavaScript is enabled in the browser (default) and the field only allows one paragraph, Enter | return keys will be ignored, otherwise all text after the first paragraph will be removed after submission.

While entering text into a multiline textarea, if JavaScript is enabled (browser default), the editing box will expand to show all the text up to a maximum of 30% of the screen height or 300 pixels, whichever is smaller. If JavaScript is not enabled, use the extender in the bottom end corner if wanting to make the area extend further down, though some browsers may not have one.

If JavaScript is enabled, after submitting text, the cursor will be at the end of the text, ready for more typing. This will enable saving the text more often as it eliminates navigating to the end of the text each time.

For some types of input, like URLs, only one line of text is allowed, even though much more is allowed than is visible, and is how they are designed. Aim to cut-and-paste into such fields rather than type into them.

Within a text editing field, many standard text editing commands and actions of the device's operating system still apply, such as:
  1. a.Cut, copy and paste by keyboard.
  2. b.Drag-and-drop selected text to or from the field.
  3. c.Undo and redo by keyboard.

Pasted or dropped text will be inserted as plain text. Any control codes, like tabs or table cell separators, will be removed when submitted. In any field, all characters are monospaced, and will usually be larger, for easier editing. Some characters, like the different dash types, might be indistinguishable, but will appear correctly in the rendered text below the element block.

Many of the character sequences used for inserting elements or special characters inline use ASCII letters and symbols that may not be readily available on some non-English keyboards. To type these in, use a US English onscreen keyboard.


Sanitisation is the filtering out of characters in inputs that could be used maliciously.

Typically, the types of input that are filtered out are:
  1. a.Programming tags, like <script>alert('Hello');</script>.
  2. b.Starting and ending -s, _s and spaces, except for the text element.
  3. c.Final full stops (.), though they are added back in some situations if no other final punctuation exists.
  4. d.Any sequence of three or more |.
  5. e.Backslashes (\).
  6. f.Control characters.
Some convenient text substitutions performed during sanitisation are:
  1. a.Any --- sequence becomes an em-dash (—).
  2. b.Any -- sequence becomes an en-dash (–).
  3. c.Any standalone ... sequence becomes an ellipsis (…).

Text entered in inline elements within program line and code elements do not have visible characters substituted or filtered out as they may be valid in programs. Outside of elements, such filtering and substitutions are universally applied to all text input. Text entered for URL fields will not have any dash substitutions.

Inline insert

Elements can be inserted inline using special formatting characters.

The elements that can be inserted into the current field are shown under Available elements at the bottom of the page:
Sample list of elements that can be inserted inline

The format is ~element~text~^, where element is the element code (first listed) or its character (second), and text is the content. For example, ~g~strong~^ creates strong, where g is the character that is the short form for the strong code. This format is shown above the list, along with some special character combinations that insert non-text items like a break (@^), site value (#^) or icon (%^). The Available elements heading links back to the Elements link above the text box in the element block.

Multiple elements can be inserted in this way at the same time. If all the text in a field is included, the required element completely replaces the current one rather than being inserted in between its children. Other than the text element which has a maximum character limit of 600, all other inline elements have substantially less. That means that inserting multiple elements may exceed the current element's maximum, in which case do each insert with a single - character, such as ~c~-~^ for a citation, and edit them after they are created. Otherwise, insert the required element as is required for blocks.

All elements inserted are individually sanitised. Each block of text of the enclosing element that was before, between or after them are re-sanitised. That means that any ending full stops, or illegal starting or ending characters, for each will now be removed. If wanting any of them reincluded, inline insert the required element type with just the wanted character. For example, to add a full stop at the end of a newly created emphasis element, open it, add ~e~.~^ to the end of its text, and re-submit the text.

When creating a link, using a - for its text will result in the new element having no text. This is so that for an internal link, the text comes from the target headline|heading, or uses the URL itself for an external link. Note that the text version of the URL will potentially break at every 20 characters to ensure that it does not overflow its containing element.

When inserting inline into right-to-left text, as each character of the prefix (like ~a~) or suffix (~^) is being typed in, the automatic alignment rules of the browser might mix up the text in strange ways. Ignore those dynamic rearrangements and continue to type in the text in one go. When submitted, the element will be created correctly. Sometimes it may be better to cut out the text to be in the new element, create the new element with just a -, then paste the cut text over the - in the new element.

Inline rich text (IRT) elements do not have text of their own, but contain inline elements that do. Any elements created in the IRT using this method will also be children of it. Siblings of the IRT can be created by inserting inline into the text of an adjacent inline sibling, the standard insertion method after the current IRT, or appending to the IRT's parent.

Note that if wanting a ~ in the text, it cannot be put in as part of the format, but use another character to create the element, then edit its text. Also, when using the Merge action to concatenate two of the same inline element, the merged text is left as is and not used to create another element as it would if it was all entered as text in an element. The examples in the paragraph above were created using these two techniques. Be aware that submitting an element with such merged text will create the inline element.

Embedded characters

While there are Unicode characters for soft-hyphens and direction, they are not visible in text being edited, so there are some character sequences that will be replaced by them when rendered.

The character sequences that can be replaced by normally invisible Unicode characters are:
aSoft hyphenhs^Hyphen (-) that appears at the end of a line when a word is split at the character to continue on the next line
lr^Hidden hard direction character that forces following text to render left to right
rl^Hidden hard direction character that forces following text to render right to left
The locations where these characters can be entered are:
  1. a.Most inline elements.
  2. b.Table headings and labels.
  3. c.Basic aside introduction and quotation.
  4. d.Figure quotation.
  5. e.Notes for a Phase selection.
  6. f.Reviews text.
  7. g.Contact fields on the Subsite page, except Email.
The legend that appears at the bottom of any management page that allows these codes is:
Embedded characters legend

If an element block field allows these codes, an Embedded link to the legend is displayed above the field, and the legend title is a link back to this link. Note that for fields on other pages that allow embedded characters, while the legend is also linked to from the field, there is no backlink because there are multiple fields, but a link can only have one target.

While most interface languages will use the standard soft hyphen (-), if Armenian (hy) or Mongolian (mn-mong) are selected, their own special soft hyphens will be used. However, these can be overridden on the Locale page to use the standard.

In phase notes, review text and heading and footer labels of tables, @^ can be inserted to be replaced by a break. This allows for special formatting or minimising the width of table columns where space is at a premium. If another column is set to Wide, a label might be forced to wrap at every word. Setting the Fix attribute for the column with a break at the wanted words will control the wrapping.

With Inline insert, merging inline elements with partial element insertion patterns will not create the element at that time, but merging inline elements with parts of these embedded character sequences will result in the sequence being substituted just prior to rendering the resultant element. If wanting to explicitly show such a character sequence, keep it split across two inline elements.

Reading direction

When mixing language scripts with different reading direction, special characters are sometimes required to change direction.

Letters of a script tend to have a hard direction, which means when they are in a group together, they will show in the correct reading direction for their script. Punctuation and other symbols are neutral, in that they will follow the direction of the characters around them. However, when the direction of the text on either side of them is different, they will default to the direction of the element they are in, which is usually that of the script the page is in, but that may not be what is intended.

For example, Too late! translates into Arabic as بعد فوات الأوان!, which is incorrectly displayed in this left-to-right page, whereas the ! would correctly show to the left of the words on a right-to-left page. This is corrected for this left-to-right context by putting all the text into a direction element with Direction set to Right to left, allowing the phrase to read correctly as بعد فوات الأوان!.

Note that because the ! was technically the last punctuation character of the paragraph above, normally no . would be added at the end by Smallsite Design, but it would look odd given the use of right-to-left text at the end. The . was added by appending it to the paragraph in its own text element. Just another consideration when mixing scripts.

When left to their own devices, mixed scripts can sometimes lead to a mess. For example, Phone: +1 234 567 890 translates into an Arabic right-to-left environment as هاتف: +1 234 567 890, where the reading direction of each number group is correct, but where they appear in the sequence is not consistent. However, the phone number should be all left-to-right, but it is shown as right-to-left for the sequence of groups though each group is left-to-right. In a rich text element, one correction for this is to put the whole telephone number in a direction element with its direction set to ltr, producing هاتف: +1 234 567 890.

Because the direction element forces direction on a character-by-character basic, it can be used to ensure particular sequences appear in the order wanted, despite what the browser might normally do.

For plain-text and rich-text fields, this situation can be corrected by putting a left-to-right direction character (by typing lr^) before the phone number's + on the start-side (right for Arabic) of it. This will render the full phone number correctly, but any Arabic text after it will render right-to-left because of the hard direction of its first character. This works because the hidden left-to-right character is hard, and forces all following neutral characters, like the + and the digits, to be the same, up until the hard right-to-left Arabic character.

It is best to avoid creating situations where scripts are mixed together, but some experimentation with the direction element or direction characters should make rendering better, though anomalies can still occur if a line breaks in the middle of the sequence.

Setting locale

Some elements allow setting a locale so their contents are rendered according to that single locale, regardless of which locale it is viewed in.

The block quote, citation, quote and subquote elements can have a locale set for them so that they render their contents according to that locale. This facility is meant for when the enclosed text will only be for the selected locale regardless of which locale its viewed in, typically for a quote or book title. Do not set a locale if providing translations for each locale anyway, as that is not the scenario for this facility.

When entering text, just use the master locale. The rendering direction and browser spelling and grammar checking in the input area will be according to the selected locale. There is no need to do translations for any other locale. If getting text from elsewhere, cut-and-paste the plain text into the master locale, rather than inserting an existing element, which would have to be edited to delete text for the unwanted locales.

Visibility status

There are several indicators of the current status of an element and its descendants.

The conditions that will automatically force an element to be disabled are:
  1. a.If it is to have plain text (such as inline, or a section or table Heading), the number of characters is out of range.
  2. b.If it is to have plain text, missing required master locale text.
  3. c.If it is to have plain text, and has no optional master locale text, but has text in another locale.
  4. d.If a block element, the number of enabled children is out of range.
  5. e.Has a descendant like any above.

The only exception to item c. is Navigation text for sections and subsections. A red ? is displayed for that field if the Heading exceeds 16 characters for the current locale, hinting that it may be beneficial to provide more concise text for navigation bars for that locale. It is independent for each locale, so master locale navigation text is not required, even if other locales have it. Navigation text is completely optional anyway, as it is only providing an opportunity to reduce navigation bar clutter to make it easier for visitors to make quick choices.

Article elements themselves cannot be disabled in any way, but the article cannot be set to Done for the locale being edited if it has any automatically disabled blocks, so cannot be released. However, if it has only manually disabled blocks, it can. An article can be completely disabled by clicking the Hidden option in the Show row of the Details section of the Article head page, and for a non-master locale by deselecting it in the Locales row.


The colour and thickness of borders indicate the visibility status and whether the current element.

The border indicators are:
  1. a.Red borders are for elements that have errors, otherwise they are green.
  2. b.The borders for forced-disabled elements are one pixel thicker than those not so.
  3. c.The current element has a border two pixels thicker than others.

The red colour is so that elements that will prevent the article from being released are clearly identifiable. A manually disabled element does not have errors, but its element type name will have a line through it, and its checkbox in its status area will be unchecked, to indicate that while it will not prevent the article being released, it will not be displayed.

Element's child status

After the element's type name, there is one or two numbers that indicate the status of the element's children.

The first and larger number indicates the number of enabled children. If there are no disabled children, there is no second smaller number. Double red underlines under the first number indicates that at least one of its group children numbers is out of range, such as a list with only one enabled child item. Double red underlines under the second number indicates that there are errors due to being automatically disabled, rather than just being manually disabled.

These numbers will help to isolate where problems might be occurring when trying to Troubleshoot errors. In particular, the disabled children indicated by the second number each have a link to them in the Child navigation bar.


The images here show the changing colours and border thicknesses as a paragraph element is created and completed.

Note that only the automatically disabled elements have thicker red borders and light orange backgrounds, while all disable modes make the element type name red with strike-through like Paragraph. Hover buttons will show exactly the same colour and border schemes as the action bars in these images for the same automatically or manually disabled states.

Newly created paragraph, automatically disabled at all levels:
Sample new paragraph with empty text element, disabled at all levels

The Element's child status numbers both have errors due to there not being at least one enabled element as the text element is missing its text, as indicated by the $, along with a ? because it is for the master text. The borders for disabled elements are 1 pixel thicker than when enabled.

Paragraph with added text now enabled:
Sample paragraph with text

There are no errors nor disabled children now, the latter being why there is now no second number.

Paragraph with new footnote, now automatically disabled:
Sample paragraph with new footnote, automatically disabled at all levels

The paragraph's footnote count now shows an error, and the footnote shows an error under its inline child count.

The same paragraph now made current, showing enabled text with the disabled footnote, and a link to the footnote in the Child navigation bar indicating it has an error:
Sample paragraph showing new footnote as a child
Fully completed paragraph, but it and child footnote manually disabled, and a link to the footnote in the Child navigation bar indicating it is manually disabled:
Sample manually disabled paragraph with manually disabled footnote
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