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Smallsite Design

Online visitor help

3  Contact page


The contact page allows specifying different types of contact information as well as allowing site user feedback, suggestions and reporting infringements.

The types of contact information that might be shown are:
  1. a.Phone – may include contact hours.
  2. b.Send email – a web-based form.
  3. c.Office address – may include opening hours or a link to a map.
  4. d.Postal address.
The subject options for using the email form that might be available are:
  1. a.Make an enquiry.
  2. b.Contact support.
  3. c.Provide feedback about the page from which the contact page was invoked.
  4. d.Report an infringement of privacy or intellectual property (IP) rights on the page from which the contact page was invoked.
  5. e.Make a suggestion for an article.

Contact details can be inserted into the body of the email, though there is no guarantee of a return contact being made. For the feedback and report options, the page ID does not need to be included in the Message, but the specific issues with the page and their location need to be accurate and concise.

The contact page can only be accessed by a link on another page of the site. If trying to access the page from a saved link or external page with one, the site's home page will be shown. This is to mitigate against spurious emails from spam bots.

Ensure that a subject option other than the default is selected, otherwise nothing is sent. Note that the minimum time limit is a minute, and the minimum content required is 100 characters.

Links   △Latest articles&β–³
  • β€’Common page elements
  • β€’Latest articles page
  • β€’Categories pages
  • Subsite linksβ–³
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  • β€’Contact   Glossary   Policies
  • β€’Categories   Feed   Site map
  • Searchβ–³

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