To the main heading-

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A category is a collection of articles having a common narrative theme.

This page is not available for the default category for a subsite because they are created with their subsite, and their details are set then and cannot be changed.

Descriptions of the navigation bar items.

The navigation bar items, other than links to the subsections, are:
1SubsiteOwning subsite identifier as a jump to its entry in the Access section in the Work list page, with its category list expanded
2CategoryCategory identifier as a jump to its entry in the Access section in the Work list page, with its article list expanded. New for a new category


This section describes the basic information for managing a category.

Any changes to these will take effect immediately.

The details fields for a category are:
1HeadingHeading for the category. Cannot be changed if the resulting category identifier derived from it is the same as for an existing category
2NavigationShort version of the Heading to be used in navigation links
3DescriptionDescription of what the articles in the category are about. Used to provide text about the category on various pages
4CreatedDate the category was created
5SubsiteProvides the numbers of categories and articles in the category's subsite, as well as a means to change that subsite
6ActionsProvides jumps to the Order articles and Move articles pages, as well as to the category's entry on the Work list page
7ImageDetails about the current image, with an opportunity to select another, or remove it. Can only select a Card or an Aside
8ShowSpecifying how visible pages are in terms of discoverability. Listed means the category and its articles are listed on various public pages. Unlisted do not appear on those pages, but can be accessed if their URL is known. Hidden cannot be publicly accessed. The default category and its articles are never listed, but the articles can be accessed if their URL is known
9ExpiryCurrent expiry date followed by alternate periods for selection. The password and a Reset button for it take up the second line. Only shown if Show is Unlisted. See Unpublished works
10DeleteDelete the category. If cannot delete, see the list below for what is shown. Only shown for the master manager

The identifier used by links and URLs is derived from the master locale Heading by converting it all to lowercase, then converting each sequence of non-alphabetic characters to a single -.

Navigation is mainly for ensuring that navigation text is short so that many items can appear in navigation bars. That means that it may not be required for all locales, but only for those that may need to be shorter. Therefore, unlike other values that fall-through the locale hierarchy to the master, Navigation is only used if defined for the current locale, otherwise the heading is used. A ? will appear if the heading is too long, but Navigation may be safely ignored at the expense of possibly cluttered navigation bars.

For a card, the category's Navigation and Description are used as its heading and explanatory text. If there is no navigation text, the Headline is used. Consider how the text for these article attributes would look in a card when composing their text, especially since they will be truncated for non-Wide first cards when shown two-across on larger devices. Check what they look like for each locale.

If an Image is specified, it will also be shown:
  1. a.In a card as its image.
  2. b.In a gallery as an image linking to the category.
  3. c.At the end of any listing for the category, such as in a catalog, or on a Categories page.
If the category cannot be deleted, after checking the Cannot checkbox, shown will be one or more of:
  1. a.Not hidden as a link to the Hidden button.
  2. b.Is linked to as a link to the Linked from section of this page.
  3. c.Has articles as a jump to the expanded list of articles for the category under the Subsites list of the Access section of the Work list page.

Unpublished works

A category and its articles can be made available to a restricted audience by password-protecting them.

When Unlisted is selected for Show, a password and a one day expiry are created for the category. Thereafter, each access attempt for the category or any of its articles is preceded by a Restricted access page for entering the password, after which the wanted page shows. An alternative is to append ?p= and the password at the end of the URL, though replace the ? with a & if a fragment already exists. The latter is what all links between the category and its articles use to minimise password entry.

Instead of such articles showing Unlisted in the upper outer-edge of the header, as happens when an article itself is set to Unlisted, they show Unpublished, which is a link to the Unpublished works section of the main subsite's Policies page if it exists. See Unpublished works. The articles in the category do not need to be explicitly set to Unlisted.

Linked from

This section lists the sources of all the links to this category.

The linked from fields for a category are:
1SourceThe type of owner of the link that points to the category. Either Subsite or Article
2IDThe source identifier of the host of the link to the category as a jump to its manage page
3Link typeThe location of the link in its host as a jump to where that link is defined in the source
4ShowThe visibility status of the source


A new category only requires a heading and a description.

The fields for a new category are:
1HeadingHeading for the new category. The resulting category identifier derived from it cannot be the same as for an existing category
2DescriptionDescription of what the articles in the category are about. Used to provide text about the category on various pages
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