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2Categories pages


Categories are groups of related articles. This page can list all the categories for a subsite, or all the articles for a category.

Categories page

The Categories page lists all the non-default categories for a subsite.

The areas of a Categories page are:
aNameName of the subsite
bCategoriesNumber of categories in the subsite
cArticlesNumber of articles in the subsite, as a link to the Latest articles page if any articles
dCategory nameLink to the Category page for the category
eNumberNumber of articles in the category, as a link to the first category's article number, and to the top of the current page for it

The URL for a Categories page is like:

Category page

The category page lists all the articles in a non-default category.

The areas of a Category page are:
aNameName of the category
bArticlesNumber of articles in the category
cCategoriesLink to the Categories page for the subsite, with the number of categories in the subsite
dArticle nameArticle name as a link to the article
eAgeRough age of the last update to the article, as a link to the first article's age, and to the top of the current page for it

The URL for a Categories page is like:

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