To the main heading-

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3Article head


The article head holds the above-the-fold content, such as the headline, byline, introduction, and an optional basic aside.

The article head content is not version-controlled, but any changes made to it are immediately visible. That means that if changes to these need to be made as a result of a new version of the article body, release the new version, then immediately update the head content. Article headers scale with the width of the page, so their elements stay in the same spatial relationship to each other and will not suddenly wrap around at narrow widths.

If requiring a complete version of an article for saving in a records management system, save as a single self-contained file which many browsers offer, or print to a PDF file, though the latter may disable live links or other functionality .

Any changes made on this page will take effect immediately.

Descriptions of the navigation bar items.

The areas of an article head navigation bar are:
History page navigation barab
aOwner pathArticle owner hierarchy as jumps to their listing in the Access section of the Work list page
bPhase detailsVarious details of the current phase. Only shown if the article is being edited

The article body navigation bar provide jumps to the pages for it and its hierarchy of owners.

The navigation bar items are:
1SubsiteOwning subsite identifier as a jump to its entry in the Access section in the Work list page, with its category list expanded
2CategoryOwning category identifier as a jump to its entry in the Access section in the Work list page, with its article list expanded
3ArticleArticle identifier as a jump to its entry in the Access section in the Work list page. New for a new article

The article body navigation bar holds the details of the current phase.

The phase details are:
1PhaseCurrent editing phase as a jump to the article's entry in the In-progress section of the Work list page. Followed by the locale, user ID and due duration if applicable
2LocaleLocale being processed by the current phase. Only shown if an editing or review phase
3User IDUser identifier of the person assigned the current phase. If not an editing or review phase, Manager is shown
4DueDuration in which the task is expected to be completed. Only shown if an editing or review phase


This section describes the basic information for managing an article.

The details fields for an article are:
1SubtypeSubtype of article. One of Article, Navigation, Procedure or Test. Not displayed for subsite-specific articles
2HeadlineHeadline for the article as a link to the latest release. Analogous to a newspaper headline as a short catchphrase to get attention. Cannot be changed if the resulting article identifier derived from it is the same as for an existing article
3NavigationShort version of the Headline to be used in navigation links
4BylineAnalogous to a newspaper byline that qualifies or extends the Headline, so that the latter can be kept short. Appears in the article header below the Headline
5IntroductionPlain text introduction of what the article is about. Also used to provide text about the article on various pages
6AuthorFull name of the writer of the current article. Used instead of the site and subsite Authors
7SignatureWhether the article is listed at the top of an alphabetically-sorted Category page. Checking disables Signature for any other article in the category. Only shown if not template, in default category or subsite article
8DatesDate the article was created and last updated as a release
9SubsiteProvides the numbers of categories and articles in the article's subsite. Not shown for writers
10CategoryProvides the numbers of articles in the article's category, as well as a means to change that category. Not shown for writers
11VersionsButtons for viewing and updating versions. History jumps to the Phases checkbox for the master locale on the History page if there are phases, else to the Article ID in its owner path. Update does the same and creates an Update phase, but only appears if the latest version is a release. Latest jumps to the Article body page, for the phase's locale if assigned
12ShowSpecifying how visible pages are in terms of discoverability. Listed means the article is listed on various public pages. Unlisted do not appear on those pages, but can be accessed if its URL is known. Hidden cannot be publicly accessed. Subsite-specific articles are never listed, but the articles can be accessed if their URL is known, though there are settings to show their links in the Site navigation bar and Site links. Not shown for writers
13LocalesWhich non-master locales an article can be publicly rendered in. Not shown for writers
14DeleteDelete the article. If cannot delete, see the list below for what is shown. Only shown for master manager

The identifier used by links and URLs is derived from the master locale Headline by converting it all to lowercase, converting each sequence of non-alphabetic characters to a single -, then prefixing it with the letter for the article type and -.

Because Android phones usually show text about 8% larger than almost anywhere else, if not having access to an Android phone to check that Headline and Byline do not make the text in them wrap around, allow at least 5-10% clearance either end of the text when designing on other devices.

Navigation is mainly for ensuring that navigation text is short so that many items can appear in navigation bars. That means that it may not be required for all locales, but only for those that may need to be shorter. Therefore, unlike other values that fall-through the locale hierarchy to the master, Navigation is only used if defined for the current locale, otherwise the headline is used. A ? will appear if the headline is perhaps too long, but Navigation may be safely ignored at the expense of possibly cluttered navigation bars.

For a card, the article's Navigation and Introduction are used as its heading and explanatory text. If there is no navigation text, the Headline is used. Consider how the text for these article attributes would look in a card when composing their text, especially since they will be truncated for non-Wide first cards when shown two-across on larger devices. Check what they look like for each locale.

By default, new articles are only enabled for the master locale. Once all the text for a locale for the article has been completed, the locale can be enabled under Locales. Up until then, the locale is bypassed in locale fall-through. If the locale was specified for rendering of the page, a highlighted message is displayed under the page header indicating that it is not available and which locale the page is being displayed with. All links on the page still use the original locale to maximise locale continuity while traversing the site.

Enabling a locale for an article does not check if any text has actually been translated in it as some fall-through may be wanted, such as when having two different English locales where spellings differ, but some paragraphs may have no such differences, so the non-master versions do not need to have their own text. While editing, rich-text element blocks will have an to indicate that it has no inline elements, while fields for sections, and asides and glossary headings will be empty.

If the article cannot be deleted, after clicking the Cannot checkbox, shown will be one or more of:
  1. a.Not hidden as a link to the Hidden button.
  2. b.Is linked to as a link to the Linked from section of the page.

The home page cannot be deleted directly. When its subsite is deleted, the home page will be converted to a normal navigation page (h- in its ID is replaced with n-) and placed under Templates, from where it can be raided for content or deleted.

Basic aside

A basic aside is a simple aside whose only content is an introduction, image and optionally a quote.

While a normal aside only has a heading but can contain several other elements, a basic aside is essentially a combination of an normal aside with a figure. Their advantage is that they are more straightforward to set up.

The details fields for a category are:
1ActionsButtons are provided for enabling and removing the basic aside
2HeadingHeading for the aside
3IntroductionPlain text introduction for the image. If there is no image, this is displayed as a paragraph
4ImageDetails about the current image used for the aside, with an opportunity to select another, or remove it. Only Cards and Asides are available for selection
5QuoteOptional plain text quote to be centred under the image. Insert @^ for each line break required. Use for a personal saying of the person in the image. Not shown on a page if no Image

Specifying an image for a category can aid navigation when used in a card (if Card) or gallery (if Card or Aside) array of a Navigation article. For a card, the Navigation and Introduction are used as its heading and explanatory text. If there is no navigation text, the Headline is used. Consider use in a card when framing the text for these article attributes.

If an Image is specified, and even if the aside is disabled, it will be shown:
  1. a.In a card as its image, if a Card.
  2. b.In a gallery as an image linking to the article.
  3. c.At the end of any listing for the article, such as in a catalog, or in a Category page, Latest articles page or Subsites page (if a home page).

An aside is a floating element that displaces the content next to it, forcing that content to wrap around the aside. Many elements, like a paragraph, can have an image that floats to its end side. Having two floating elements in the same area can sometimes produce odd results. In general, avoid having an element with a floating image next to an aside to prevent its image possibly appearing within the following element.

This section lists all the article's links.

The outgoing links fields are:
1Link typeName of the link group. This jumps to the Links page to allow modifying which links are in that group
2Target detailsList of the group's links targets and their type, with jumps to them
3ShowThe visibility status for articles or categories
The available types of links are:
1CardsArticles or categories from which the heading, basic aside card image and introduction are extracted for an array of cards for informative navigation choices. Only for Navigation article pages
2CatalogArticles or categories from which the heading, basic aside image and introduction are extracted for a Category page-like custom themed list. Only for Navigation article pages
3GalleryArticles or categories from which the basic aside images are extracted for an array of images for visual navigation choices. Only for Navigation article pages
4InlineAny links in the article body, and times used if more than once. Can only change these by editing the link within the article's Article body page
5Related articlesArticles and categories that are part of the site
6Related sitesPages from other sites

Only one of a cards array, catalog or gallery can be used in the one navigation page. Cards are for primary navigation, while a gallery is more a way to show some pictures for people to select from on a whim.

For external links in the list of links for Related sites, the listings will be the URL. For internal links in the other link types, the form is Article: ID. Inline links will be prefixed with the host element type, like Link: or Citation:. If in a navigation article, any targets already in a catalog or cards array will not show in Related articles.

The number of times a link is used is for that exact link target. For internal links, which will normally use the same target article, category or fragment for each locale for it, that will generally be the number of locales by the number of times it is used in the master locale. If it does not match that, then there may be some locales that have not been fully translated. External links should have similar numbers, but if the URL for them is different for one or more locales, they will be treated as different links with their own row and counts.

If wanting a catalog-like structure with external links, such as when using multiple sites as a set, use a list with specially formatted items, perhaps with a link to the page as the first element, followed by a break. For a more graphical structure, use a diagram element with boxes set up as links, perhaps with an overlay with an image behind each of them.

Linked from

This section lists the sources of all the links to this article.

The linked from fields for an article are:
1SourceThe type of owner of the link that points to the article. One of Subsite, Article or File
2IDThe source identifier of the host of the link to the article as a jump to its manage page
3Link typeThe location of the link in its host as a jump to where that link is defined in the source
4ShowThe visibility status of the source


This section lists all the files linked to by the article, either inline in the article, or by its basic aside.

The columns for the file list are:
1File ID | …File identifier, extension and the number of times used
2ThumbnailScaled down view of an image or video, and blank for any other type. Can be clicked on or tabbed to to expand it
3Text | …Text description of the file, file MIME type and its purpose (usage type). The text is used for images by the screen readers used by those who cannot see

Keyboard shortcuts

There are some keyboard shortcuts that help speed up common tasks.

The keyboard shortcuts active in this page are:
a\Opens the Work list page
b~Safely refreshes the current management page
c_Activates the History button to jump to the History page
d@Activates the Update button to jump to the History page, ready to assign a task
e&Activates the Latest button to jump to the Article body page for the latest version
The access keys for the current page can be displayed in overlays like where they apply by:
  1. a.Pressing the Alt | option+- keys.
  2. b.Clicking the Show link in the footer of the page.


A new article only requires a heading, an introduction, and optionally a byline.

The fields for a new article are only available after clicking on the New link on various pages, clicking on the required subtype, and either clicking on Blank or an article from the list to clone from. That list of articles is only those of the same type that have been released and not currently being edited. New articles are always Hidden.

Subsite pages have fixed headings and introductions, so are created as soon as Blank or an article to clone from is selected. Contact pages are built at rendering time from details provided in the Contact section of their Subsite page.

The fields for a new article are:
1HeadlineHeadline for the new article. The resulting article identifier derived from it cannot be the same as for an existing article
2BylineAnalogous to a newspaper byline that qualifies or extends the Headline, so that the latter can be kept short. Appears in the article header below the Headline. Not available if cloned
3IntroductionPlain text introduction to what the article is about. Also used to provide text about the article on various pages. Not available if cloned

For cloning, while the new article must have a different headline for the master locale to ensure it has its own URL, the rest of the article is as intact as possible. Especially if using multiple locales, this keeps the maximum amount of existing content to aid in deciding what to edit for the purpose of the new article. The cloned article will have a creation date at least one second after the article it was cloned from, reflecting the starting copyright date of the content cloned. The updated date will be that of the cloned article or the new creation date, whichever is later.

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