Documentation and online help
This is the documentation and online help site for Smallsite Design.
Smallsite Design is meant for people who like to write to create a body of knowledge, or want multilingual online help for their application. It is for building an integrated site, not just a bunch of pages.
This site is to help you get the most out of Smallsite Design, whether you are visiting a site built with it, creating your own site with it, or doing the technical stuff to help someone else get their site up and running. There are descriptive pages linked to from each page of a Smallsite Design site, whether visiting or managing it, along with procedures showing how to use those pages.
DuckDuckGo and Bing are recommended for searching for pages on smaller sites because they list 100% of the pages, while Google search is lying to you! by listing less than 90%, and half that again for StartPage.